Organisations using PoolStat
Select a State/Organisation to view their Home Page
- Alice Springs Eightball Association (Inc Association)
- Darwin & Districts Eightball Association (Inc Association)
- Katherine Eightball Association (Inc Association)
- Litchfield Shire Confederation of Cue Sports Inc (Inc Association)
- Northern Territory Eightball Association (State Body)
- Tennant Creek Eightball Association (Inc Association)
- 2 Shot Pool Comps (Event)
- Best of the West (SEQ) (Event)
- Brisbane & Districts 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Bundaberg Eight Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Cairns and Districts 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Capricornia Cue Sports (Inc Association)
- Central Queensland Cue Sports (Zone Body)
- City 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- City Invitational (Event)
- Darling Downs Cue Sports (Inc Association)
- Dash 4 Cash (Event)
- Eight Ball North Queensland (Zone Body)
- Far North Queensland Eight Ball Association (Zone Body)
- Fraser Coast 8 Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Gladstone 8-Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Gold Coast 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Gympie 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Hervey Bay 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Hinterland Cue Sports (Association)
- Innisfail Eight Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Ipswich Eight Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Kilcoy Eight Ball Association (Association)
- Mackay 8-Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Maryborough & District 8 Ball Assoc Inc (Inc Association)
- Mount Isa Regional Eight Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Northern Districts 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Pioneer Eight Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Port City Cue Sports Inc (Inc Association)
- Queensland Eight Ball Federation (State Body)
- Ready’s 8 Ball Cue Sports (Event)
- South Qld Eight Ball Federation (Zone Body)
- Sterlo Singles Comp (Event)
- Sunshine Coast 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Tatts Hotel Classic (Event)
- Toowoomba 8 Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Townsville 8 Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Townsville Blackball Assoc (Association)
- Triple X Ipswich 8 Ball Assoc (Association)
- 9 Ball SA Inc (Inc Association)
- Adelaide North East 8 Ball Inc (Inc Association)
- Affiliated 8 Ball Associations SA Inc (Association)
- Barossa Valley 8ball Association (Association)
- Bordertown & District 8Ball Association Inc (Association)
- Caruso’s (Commercial Enterprise)
- Central Districts 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Chalkers Tournaments (Association)
- City of Adelaide Eight Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Eight Ball Association of SA Incorporated (State Body)
- Eyre Peninsula 8 Ball Carnival (Event)
- Gawler & Districts 8-Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Great Southern 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Hills 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Intercity Race to 11 Challenge (Event)
- Kangaroo Island Eight Ball League (Association)
- Marshall & Moore Cup (Event)
- Mid North Hotels 8 Ball Assoc (Association)
- Mini Carnival (Event)
- Murray Bridge & Districts 8ball Assoc (Association)
- Northern 8ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Port Adelaide 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Port Augusta EightBall Association (Association)
- Port Lincoln 8 Ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Riverland Eight Ball Association (Association)
- Riverland Womens 8 Ball Assoc (Association)
- RSL 8 Ball Association SA Inc (Association)
- SA Blackball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Salisbury & Elizabeth 8ball Assoc (Association)
- Salisbury 8 Ball & Sports Assoc (Association)
- Sappko Cup (Event)
- South Australian Womens 8 Ball Assoc (Association)
- South Coast 8 Ball Association (Association)
- South West Metropolitan 8ball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- The Suburban 8 Ball Assoc Inc (Inc Association)
- Torrens Valley 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Tri-City Carnival (Event)
- Tumby Bay Eight Ball Association (Association)
- Waikerie 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Whyalla Eightball Association Inc (Inc Association)
- Burnie Somerset Wynyard 8 Ball Inc (Association)
- Circular Head Eightball Assoc (Association)
- Devonport Eightball Association (Association)
- East Coast Tasmania 8ball Assoc (Association)
- Eight Ball Tasmania (State Body)
- HWC 8Ball League (Association)
- Killer Crossover (Event)
- Northern Tasmanian Eight Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Old Dogs Masters (Event)
- South Eastern Tasmanian Eight Ball Assoc (Inc Association)
- Southern Tasmanian Eight Ball Association (Inc Association)
- All Seasons Bendigo 8ball Cup (Event)
- Bendigo Eightball - Wednesday (Inc Association)
- Bendigo Eightball Inc (Inc Association)
- Bendigo Ladies Pool Association (Association)
- Central Victoria Eightball Association - Mon (Inc Association)
- Dandenong and Districts Pool League Inc (Association)
- Fast Eddies Pockets (Association)
- Geelong Open (Event)
- JD's Pool Club Frankston (Association)
- Melbourne Metropolitan Pool League (Inc Association)
- North Suburban Pool League (Association)
- North Western Pool Association (Inc Association)
- Northeast Interleague (Event)
- Pool Victoria (State Body)
- Slate Intermediate Pool Championship (Event)
- Sunraysia Eight Ball Assoc Inc (Inc Association)
- Swan Hill 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Victorian Women's Superleague Assoc (Inc Association)
- Wangaratta & District Pool Assoc (Association)
- Albany 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Bunbury Pool Association (Inc Association)
- Club Pool Association (Association)
- Geraldton 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Goldfields 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Great Southern Classic (Event)
- Hedland 8 Ball Association (Inc Association)
- Kalgoorlie-Boulder 8-Ball Open
- Karratha Districts Eightball Association (Inc Association)
- Katanning District Pool Association (Association)
- Narrogin and District 8 Ball Association (Association)
- Northam EightBall Association (Association)
- Peel Pool Association (Inc Association)
- Pilbara Classic (Event)
- The Western National (Event)
- The Western Women’s Challenge (Event)
- WA Country Championships (Event)
- WA Italian Club Pool Club (Association)
- West Australian Eight Ball Federation (State Body)