Kangaroo Island Eight Ball League


Finals are now updated NOTE: All Finals at Ozone A Grade Finals Qualifying Final = A Grade 1st Vs A Grade 2nd Elimination Final = A Grade 3rd Vs A Grade 4th B Grade Finals Qualifying Final = A Grade 5th Vs B Grade 1st Elimination Final = B Grade 2nd Vs B Grade 3rd
KIEBA: Split Rounds now updated07-Feb-2024
Split round for round 3 is now on Pool Stat. All remaining games will be at the OZONE back bar on our COMP tables - please ensure we have 2 people from each team at the Ozone at 6pm to help set up
KIEBA: 22/23 Finals Now Out22-Feb-2023
22/23 Finals series now published - NOTE - A,B and C GRADE First Named Team is HOME TABLE - Higher grades get 1st dibs on home tables - rounds will be updated with tables prior to GAME NIGHTS
KIEBA: 22/23 Draw now out01-Sep-2022
22/23 Draw is now available via Poolstat - 12 team Comp - we will be having special rounds on the 10th Nov - before mini Carnival and 22nd Dec just before Christmas - will send out more details closer to time
KIEBA: 21/22 Season Has Begun11-Sep-2021
21/22 Season has gone off relatively smoothly - please keep in mind COVID protocols and ensure we are being reasonable with timing for those with glasses and masks... also please remember to record MASTER BREAKS (clearing all 7 balls and black from break) and MASTER SHOT (clearing all 7 balls and black not from break)
KIEBA: Draw out now28-Aug-2021
Hi All - draft 21/22 Draw is out - Good Luck for the season!!
KIEBA: 20/21 Finals Updated05-Feb-2021
Finals now published - note Finals played over 1 week
KIEBA: Season Suspended due to COVID-19 Lockdown25-Nov-2020
As we are all aware SA is experiencing a temporary increase in Covid-19 measures - as such we have suspended the KI 8-ball comp until safe to re-commence.
KIEBA: 20/21 Season Starts soon08-Jul-2020
AGM and General Meeting - 7pm 11th August 2020 @ Jeffs Shed. Team Nominations due by 11th August - please contact Jeff on 8553 2327.
KIEBA: Finals Update19-May-2020
Congrats to the Pub Monkeys (A Grade) and Misfits (B Grade) - the eventual 19/20 KI 8 Ball winners
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions - the 8 Ball Finals have been postponed until at least the end of April - The committee will meet prior to this date and send out an update as required. PLEASE NOTE - we regretfully inform all members there will be no "End of Season Windup".
KIEBA: Welcome to the 2019/20 Season02-Sep-2019
Welcome to the 2019/20 Season - we have a new team - welcome Chalk is Cheap - and Team No Name, now have a name - Te Whanau - Goodluck All
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Filter: Contact KIEBA
Start DateCompetition TitleStatus
19-09-2024Thursday Night (24/25) (OPEN Grade)Thursday Night (24/25) (OPEN Grade)Active