Eight Ball Association of SA Incorporated

EBASA Carnival (Open Grade)

Score Sheet: 04-05-2024 - Schedule 1 Round 2

Played at Empire Pool Lounge: 04 May 2024, 9:30 AM

City of Adelaide 110:5Northern 2
1Anthony O'Boyle 3 - 33 - 0 Duncan BruceA
2Steve Viney 3 - 13 - 2 John OrmorchoeB
3George Philippou 3 - 23 - 2 Carol NunnC
4Shane Torchio 3 - 13 - 1 Michael BrownD
5Craig Coleman 3 - 33 - 0 Damon MiladinovicE
6  F
7  G
8  I
9  J
10  K