Karratha Districts Eightball Association

2022 Winter Season (A and B Grade)

Score Sheet: 24-08-2022 - Schedule 3 Round 1

Played at The Tav Sports Bar: 24 Aug 2022, 7:30 PM

1Monday Harris 3 - 12 - 0 Gill NolanA
2Nook Koroheke 3 - 32 - 1 Joe InnamoratiB
3Quinton Hebbard 3 - 23 - 1 Anthony MonsonC
4Lalani Rurehe 3 - 13 - 2 Zac ChilcottD
5Neville Poke 3 - 23 - 2 Mark CastanoE
6 2 - 0 Sharon HannF
7  G
8  H