WA Italian Club Pool Club

23/24 WAIC Summer Division 2

Team Stats: BYE

Venue: BYE

11-Nov-23 (not set)ASporties BYEBYENR  
28-Nov-23 (not set)HMisfitsBYEBYENR  
315-Nov-23 (not set)ARat BagsBYEBYENR  
422-Nov-23 (not set)HHit and MissBYEBYENR  
529-Nov-23 (not set)ANuggetsBYEBYENR  
66-Dec-23 (not set)AMarlinsBYEBYENR  
713-Dec-23 (not set)HNorthern TitansBYEBYENR  
817-Jan-24 (not set)HRat BagsBYEBYENR  
924-Jan-24 (not set)AMisfitsBYEBYENR  
1031-Jan-24 (not set)HSporties BYEBYENR  
117-Feb-24 (not set)AHit and MissBYEBYENR  
1214-Feb-24 (not set)HNuggetsBYEBYENR  
1321-Feb-24 (not set)HMarlinsBYEBYENR  
1428-Feb-24 (not set)ANorthern TitansBYEBYENR  
 Member NameRole
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