ACT Eight Ball Association

2018 Winter Comp (Division 4)

Team Stats: The Basement Baseballs

Venue: The Baso

113-Jun-18 7:30 PMHKickersBasoPlayedW14:10  
220-Jun-18 7:30 PMAChickenbonesBuffaloPlayedW11:13  
327-Jun-18 7:30 PMAWhalersBasoPlayedW7:17  
44-Jul-18 7:30 PMHBalls Deep All BasoPlayedW18:6  
518-Jul-18 7:30 PMAIslanders TradiesPlayedW8:16  
625-Jul-18 7:30 PMANevillesBurnsPlayedW8:16  
71-Aug-18 7:30 PMHBYEBYEBYENR  
88-Aug-18 7:30 PMAKickersPagePlayedW10:14  
915-Aug-18 7:30 PMHChickenbonesBasoPlayedW19:5  
1022-Aug-18 7:30 PMHWhalersBasoPlayedW14:10  
1129-Aug-18 7:30 PMABalls Deep All KambahPlayedW7:17  
125-Sep-18 7:30 PMHIslanders BasoPlayedL9:15  
1312-Sep-18 7:30 PMHNevillesBasoPlayedW17:7  
1419-Sep-18 7:30 PMABYEBYEBYENR  
 Member NameRole
1Mark Suckling
2Mike Stanker
3Gordon Pyne
4Rob Clarke
5Ben Boyd
6Dave Armstrong
7Hayden Young
8Jason DavisCapt
PosPlayer NameFrames WonFrames LostWin %GPCMaster Break
1Ben Boyd32880.0080.001
2Mark Suckling281368.2968.290
3Jason Davis26974.2974.291
4Dave Armstrong211656.7656.760
5Gordon Pyne201557.1457.140
6Rob Clarke201852.6352.630
7Hayden Young191261.2961.290
8Mike Stanker181358.0658.060