South Australian Womens 8 Ball Assoc

Season 1 2025 (A Grade)

Team Stats: Looney Links

Venue: Links Hotel

130-Jan-25 7:00 PMHUntamedChalkersPlayedW9:6  
26-Feb-25 7:00 PMABreakersEmp HotelPlayedL10:5  
313-Feb-25 7:00 PMHRamettesLinks HotePlayedL6:9  
420-Feb-25 7:00 PMABYEBYEBYENR  
527-Feb-25 7:00 PMAElizabeth RSEliz RSLScheduled-  
66-Mar-25 7:00 PMHJust the TipLinks HoteScheduled-  
713-Mar-25 7:00 PMAHustlersChalkersScheduled-  
820-Mar-25 7:00 PMAUntamedChalkersScheduled-  
927-Mar-25 7:00 PMHBreakersLinks HoteScheduled-  
103-Apr-25 7:00 PMARamettesNorth GateScheduled-  
1110-Apr-25 7:00 PMHBYEBYEBYENR  
1217-Apr-25 7:00 PMHElizabeth RSLinks HoteScheduled-  
1324-Apr-25 7:00 PMAJust the TipChalkersScheduled-  
141-May-25 7:00 PMHHustlersLinks HoteScheduled-  
158-May-25 7:00 PMHUntamedChalkersScheduled-  
1615-May-25 7:00 PMABreakersEmp HotelScheduled-  
1722-May-25 7:00 PMHRamettesLinks HoteScheduled-  
1829-May-25 7:00 PMABYEBYEBYENR  
195-Jun-25 7:00 PMAElizabeth RSEliz RSLScheduled-  
2012-Jun-25 7:00 PMHJust the TipLinks HoteScheduled-  
2119-Jun-25 7:00 PMAHustlersChalkersScheduled-  
 Member NameRole
1Loretta Preece
2Alice Arscott
3Heather Ades
4Susan Cambell
5Barb Brown
6Binda Damon
7Sharon Burton
1Loretta Preece36366.67Yes
1Susan Cambell24266.67Yes
3Alice Arscott23350.00Yes
4Barb Brown33442.86Yes
5Sharon Burton33633.33Yes
6Heather Ades31712.50Yes