Narrogin and District 8 Ball Association

Summer 2024/25 Competition

Score Sheet: 08-01-2025 - Schedule 2 Round 2

Played at The New Cornwall Hotel: 08 Jan 2025, 6:30 PM

Cornwall Cannons7:8Gremlins
ABradley Gould 1 - 12 - 1 Adriane HansenA
BDeclin Mumby 2 - 12 - 1 Matthew HansenB
CCade Turner Reid 2 - 12 - 1 Jessie LindsayC
DHayden Toovey 2 - 12 - 2 Geoff MacraeD
ENick Italiano 2 - 12 - 0 Arnen CookE
FRiley Forbes 1 - 0 Lindsay WilliamsF
GKeione Aird 2 - 02 - 2 Ivan JonesG
H  H
Singles #1
ACade Turner Reid10Arnen Cook(A)
(B)Riley Forbes01Ivan JonesB
CHayden Toovey10Jessie Lindsay(C)
(D)Keione Aird01Adriane HansenD
EDeclin Mumby10Matthew Hansen(E)
(F)Nick Italiano01Geoff MacraeF
ABradley Gould10Arnen Cook(A)
BKeione Aird  Jessie Lindsay(B)
(C)Cade Turner Reid10Lindsay WilliamsC
(D)Hayden Toovey  Matthew HansenD
EDeclin Mumby01Geoff Macrae(E)
FRiley Forbes  Ivan Jones(F)
Singles #2
(A)Bradley Gould10Arnen CookA
BNick Italiano10Adriane Hansen(B)
(C)Keione Aird01Matthew HansenC
DCade Turner Reid01Jessie Lindsay(D)
(E)Hayden Toovey01Ivan JonesE
FDeclin Mumby01Geoff Macrae(F)