Narrogin and District 8 Ball Association

Summer 2024/25 Competition

Score Sheet: 16-10-2024 - Schedule 1 Round 5

Played at The New Cornwall Hotel: 16 Oct 2024, 6:30 PM

Cornwall Cannons13:2Cuby Royals
ABradley Gould 2 - 22 - 0 Dylan MccoskerA
BDeclin Mumby 2 - 22 - 0 Will McKenzieB
CCade Turner Reid 2 - 22 - 0 Luke DavisC
DKeione Aird 2 - 12 - 1 Mark McCosterD
EHayden Toovey 2 - 22 - 0 Adrian KloseE
FNick Italiano 2 - 22 - 0 Jesse FletcherF
GZoe Dawson  G
H  H
Singles #1
AKeione Aird01Mark McCoster(A)
(B)Declin Mumby10Will McKenzieB
CCade Turner Reid10Dylan Mccosker(C)
(D)Nick Italiano10Jesse FletcherD
EHayden Toovey10Luke Davis(E)
(F)Bradley Gould10Adrian KloseF
AHayden Toovey01Dylan Mccosker(A)
BZoe Dawson  Mark McCoster(B)
(C)Declin Mumby10Will McKenzieC
(D)Nick Italiano  Jesse FletcherD
ECade Turner Reid10Adrian Klose(E)
FKeione Aird  Luke Davis(F)
Singles #2
(A)Nick Italiano10Will McKenzieA
BHayden Toovey10Mark McCoster(B)
(C)Keione Aird10Luke DavisC
DCade Turner Reid10Jesse Fletcher(D)
(E)Bradley Gould10Dylan MccoskerE
FDeclin Mumby10Adrian Klose(F)