Gladstone 8-Ball Association Inc

XCross Over Season (Open Grade)

Singles Stats: Ben Fuller

Stats Total

PlayedWonLostWin %

Results by Team

Cue-mendous Shots

NoPlayedInfoResultOpposition TeamOpponent
130-10-2024L 0-1Harley QuinnsKaren Lange
230-10-2024W 1-0Harley QuinnsNatasha Harvey
330-10-2024L 0-1Harley QuinnsJason Stone
430-10-2024L 0-1Harley QuinnsLogan Vernon
506-11-2024W 1-0The EliteAnthony Harding
606-11-2024L 0-1The EliteBailey Stone
706-11-2024L 0-1The EliteJamie Ingram
806-11-2024L 0-1The EliteKain Stone
920-11-2024L 0-1Hot ShotsTrish Black
1020-11-2024W 1-0Hot ShotsDavid Andrews
1120-11-2024L 0-1Hot ShotsLibby Stanborough
1220-11-2024W 1-0Hot ShotsTammy Smith
1311-12-2024L 0-1The MiscuesStuart Syddall
1411-12-2024W 1-0The MiscuesSam Stone
1511-12-2024W 1-0The MiscuesFrank Van Heerden
1611-12-2024W 1-0The MiscuesRachael Sheehey
1715-01-2025W 1-0QRI SleepersTony Bartlett
1815-01-2025L 0-1QRI SleepersNick Adnum
1915-01-2025L 0-1QRI SleepersJulie Adnum
2015-01-2025W 1-0QRI SleepersJon Cleary
2122-01-2025L 0-1Cue TunersZachary Smith
2222-01-2025L 0-1Cue TunersDavid Mackley
2322-01-2025L 0-1Cue TunersDoug Reid
2422-01-2025L 0-1Cue TunersTrina Green
2529-01-2025L 0-1What the Duck?Justin Long
2629-01-2025W 1-0What the Duck?Claire Brady
2729-01-2025W 1-0What the Duck?Nathyn Jackson
2829-01-2025W 1-0What the Duck?Murphy Long
2905-02-2025W 1-0Gunner BeesLyndia Pascoe
3005-02-2025W 1-0Gunner BeesJessica Dunne
3105-02-2025L 0-1Gunner BeesJohn Muller
3205-02-2025W 1-0Gunner BeesNick Fairhall
3312-02-2025L 0-1Mixed BagKai Craig
3412-02-2025L 0-1Mixed BagJayden Craig
3512-02-2025L 0-1Mixed BagPeter Browne
3612-02-2025L 0-1Mixed BagJames Lisle
3719-02-2025L 0-1Wanna Play PoolBrent Wesley
3819-02-2025W 1-0Wanna Play PoolFred Twiner
3919-02-2025L 0-1Wanna Play PoolBarry Petts
4019-02-2025W 1-0Wanna Play PoolColin Roberts
Played: 40Won: 17Lost: 23Win %: 42.50

Forfeited (against) nights (count = 1) - counts towards nights played