Darling Downs Cue Sports

king of the hill challenge (C Grade)

Score Sheet: 28-04-2024 - Schedule 1 Round 1

Played at Pot Out: 28 Apr 2024, 11:00 AM

Darling Downs 23:13Toowoomba
AThomas Darcy 6 - 66 - 1 Tim LloydA
BEthan Hall 6 - 36 - 4 Elijah CullenB
CJack Schumann 6 - 43 - 0 Mark RobertsonC
DNick Downey 6 - 26 - 2 Riley HodgesD
EAnnique Vaughan 6 - 46 - 4 Greg WheelerE
FTroy Bauer 6 - 46 - 2 Cooper StajkowskiF
F 3 - 0 John LloydF
G  G