Cairns and Districts 8 Ball Association

Monday Nights (B Grade)

Score Sheet: 13-05-2024 - Schedule 2 Round 1

Played at The Edge Hill Tavern: 13 May 2024, 7:00 PM

Give us a Break4:11Regulators
1Andrew Crapp 3 - 02 - 2 Eddie SebasioA
2Hazel Allen 3 - 03 - 3 Christo GowaB
3Seth Weller 1 - 13 - 2 Mary SatrickC
4Jesse Lack 3 - 22 - 1 Fabian AddoD
5Zayne Swan 3 - 13 - 1 Wellington AddoE
6Zachaey Stockwell 2 - 02 - 2 Peter SailorF
7  G
8  H
9  I