Burnie Somerset Wynyard 8 Ball Inc

Summer Roster 2018

Score Sheet: 28-08-2018 - Round 1

Played at Yolla Tavern: 28 Aug 2018

Rednecks3:6Top of the Town
1Michael Hanson 2 - 12 - 1 Rodney Kaine1
2Jessie Randall 2 - 11 - 0 Steven Kaine2
3Gary Draper 2 - 02 - 2 Neville Atkins3
4Dwayne Jones 2 - 12 - 1 Garry Atkins4
5Leigh Aitken 2 - 02 - 2 Michael Beard5
6Daniel Draper 2 - 01 - 1 Shaun Bartles6
7 1 - 1 Jeremy Taylor7
8 1 - 1 Adrian Bartels8
9  9
10  10
11  11
12  12