Gawler & Districts 8-Ball Association Inc


GAWLER: Inter-Association Cup13-Oct-2017
INTER-ASSOCIATION CUP - TEAMS Mount Gambier 10th-12th November ELITE Bryan Perriton​ Graeme East Paul Baker Shane Tieste​ Peter Heinrich​ DIV 1 Karl Blows James Mitchell Glen Wendelborn Michael East​ DIV 2 Jarred Smallman​ Jerry McDowell​ John Burton​ Bill Baldock​ WOMEN Jacqui Baldock​ Karla Cassie Ashleigh VENUES Commercial Club German Club Finals will be played in one venue There will be a bus each day to take teams to and from the German Club to the Commercial Club. TRAVEL Please contact Bill Baldock if you are interested in going on the bus. ACCOMMODATION You will need to arrange your own accommodation Further information will be posted as it becomes available
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Start DateCompetition TitleStatus
07-11-202424/25 Summer comp24/25 Summer compActive